Sunday 13 June 2010

Day 10.. After a 2 day break from

Ok so I got up on Friday morning and was very very upset. No weight loss. I was so confused, was it due to me being near my time of the month, was it the scales? Was I just rubbish at Atkins?!

I had cried down the phone to my mum but decided after a lot of being miserable that morning, not to freak out - and as I'd initially weighed myself on my mum's scales, I should weigh myself on my mum's scales again for the first weigh in. My mum was the one that kept me on the diet - as I could have quite easily given up there and then.

So I struggled on - couldn't face putting on here that I hadn't lost any weight and stayed on my 2 litres of water a day, no alcohol, and 20g of carbs per day. I finally got on my mums scales this morning - And I'm proud to say.. After 10 days I have lost


I am sooo happy and soo soo looking forward to losing more weight :) So it's a very positive entry today and I think it's safe to say.. chuck the scales and buy some more.. they almost lead me to give up on the Atkins!!

I knewwww my tummy was smaller :D Have to dash.. But will be making full entries again from tomorrow. So, for now low carbers... IT WORKS!!

Date/Time: Sunday 13th June 2010 - 19:22
Weight Lost: 3 very proud lbs :)
Side Effects: None today!!
Mood: So chuffed and excited to continue!!

Friday 11 June 2010

Day Seven.. The Night Before Weigh In

So, I've completed seven full days of Atkins. And it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be, it also hasn't been as life changing as I thought it would be.. Apart from an initial boost in energy and slight mood improvements I've noticed, I feel exactly.. well, the same. Just a more full version of me with no appetite.

Looking down at my belly and thighs right now as I lay in bed, I'm unhopeful. I hate to say it, but I just don't look any thinner. I thought I did yesterday but I don't feel it now :( Maybe i'm just trying so hard not to get my hopes up that I'm pulling myself down.

Put it this way - if the scales say 11.1 tomorrow - I'll scream for joy. 3 pounds in 1 week - that would be my ultimate. In my head though, I imagine the reality will be that it'll say 11.4, 11.3 or worse, 11.5 meaning I've gained weight. If I've gained weight, I've honestly no idea how and need to seriously re-evaluate how I've been doing this diet as I've been following it down to a T or come off it completely.

I don't want to come off this diet though, having been on it, I can honestly say I can't look at carbs in the same way again. Also, I've bought so much food i'd like to percivere.. I just don't understand if I've not lost much weight tomorrow, how I will lose much weight in the future? A pound a week could be achieved by doing slimming world.. And I'd still get a bit of chocolate!

Ok so today's menu included 3 eggs in the morning, bit of bacon and cream cheese. Which has left me feeling very sick all day (Think it's had a lot to do with the 4 hours sleep I had last night!!) I then made myself eat lunch at 1PM because I just wouldn't have eaten otherwise - Still feeling sick and lack of appetite. I had tuna mayonaise, a chunk of cream cheese, some lettuice, cucumber and a bit of yellow pepper. I then had dinner at 9PM (Waiting for my asda delivery until that time!) And I finally found low carb sausages.. They are ladies and gentlemen... Asda's Extra Special 80% Pork & Leek Sausages. Scrummyyyyy and they had about 5 carbs in 6 sausages which I don't think anyone could complain with!! I had these with 4 eggs fried. I snacked on a couple of babybel whilst eating and this has been my eating plan all day.

Well, I'm officially knackered and nervous. Never been this nervous in my whole life about a weigh in. Sooo sooo nervous.. So I wish the ketosis fairies do their work in my sleep, I feel so full and bloated at the moment, I just cannot see how I will have lost weight. FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME IF ANYONE IS READING THIS!!

Will most likely post in the morning with a verdict. Night all x

Date/Time: Friday 11th June - 00:30
Weight Lost: Still in the first week - No weigh in WEIGH IN ABOUT 10 HOURS!!
Side Effects: Felt sick afte breakfast which lingered all day, not sure if this is down to Atkins or lack of sleep. Very low appetite.
Mood: Nervous. Nervous. Nervous.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Day Six..

So, day 6 already complete. Can't believe it. 6 days, I've barely had any food cravings at all and today, I'm pleased to say, was the first time I genuinely looked down at my belly and thought "Ohh that's smaller!"

It may be psychological but I'm so excited for my weigh in approximately 32 hours away from now at about 11am Friday morning :)

Today I got even worse, I was so ill this morning when I woke up I was SO disorientated I didn't actually know who or where I was for about half an hour, I was too ill to go to the doctors. I really don't think this had anything to do with the diet, I've been very ill and every time I've taken medication I've felt a bit better so it's definately just being ill. Perhaps this "Induction Flu" has made it worse.

Although at this point I'm convinced the "Induction Flu" is nothing more than a myth and the withdrawl from sugar. I re-watched "Atkins Diet: Fat or Fiction" tonight because I watched it beforehand but now I'm on the diet wanted to see if I could relate more to the woman doing the diet. She just really didn't like it I think. She actually compared it as being harder than giving up smoking - And I witnessed my mum attempt to give up for years - No way is eating protein harder than giving up smoking! I know I'm definately eating the right amount of carbs as my diet has consisted mainly of eggs, bacon, chicken, tuna, mayonnaise and very little carbs.

As I was so out of it today, I didn't get out of bed until 4PM.. (I know) but when I did I had a lot of paperwork to sort out and although I should have eaten first thing, I didn't and waited until 6PM. At this point I just couldn't face cooking so I boiled 3 eggs. I had a couple of bits of squirty cream throughout the day, literally only 2 because my flatmate was moaning about my sugar levels. It's well within my carb restrictions though. I had 3 babybels as well. And then completely forgot about dinner, but remembered and ate at about 11PM. I had tuna mayonnaise with some yellow pepper, cucumber and lettuice and a nice serving of cream cheese . All in a very small amount (Apart from my tuna mayo and cream cheese of course!!).

Throughout the day I drank my 2 litres of water but I've also filled my bottle up half way to come to bed as I've had some brazil nuts this evening too and I find I need something to wash them down with!! I know I haven't had much to eat today but I have literally only been up about 10 hours and will be up again un 5 hours having my bacon and eggs. And because I've not been at work my pattern is all out of whack.

So tomorrow is day 7, I hope soo much I've lost weight. Soo soo much. Praying and hoping and praying some more! Come Friday morning I will be the happiest girl in the world if I've got through my first week, so comfortably as well. If I have lost weight and I can achieve this. I feel like I can achieve anything.

Got to be up again in less than 5 hours, not sure how I'm going to sleep - but until tomorrow peeps - G'night. x

Date/Time: Thursday 10th June - 02:43
Weight Lost: Still in the first week - No weigh in.
Side Effects: No Atkins side effects to report today!!
Mood: Happy I think I may have lost weight. Excited for my results on Friday. Bit more enthusiastic that it might work :)

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Day Five..

Well today was a bad day in some ways but food wise, it was OK. I woke up and had my usual eggs, bacon and cream cheese. I also had a few babybells during the day and dinner was two steaks, 3 eggs and mushrooms. This is all I've had today but I didn't wake up until 2PM because I've still been off sick. No headaches today to speak of but have had incredibly painful leg spasms which I'm going to see a doctor about tomorrow. Can't say this has anything to do with the Atkins.. but it's put me in a bad mood so I'm not really in a bloggy mood :(

Still haven't noticed much signs of weight loss. I guess the weigh in will tell. Still sticking to the plan though. May have some more cheese in a bit, seems to be my late night snack at the moment. Hope I feel a bit better tomorrow and have more to report about the diet itself. At the moment as far as meal satisfaction goes, I'm entirely satisfied. As far as cutting out carbs, I haven't missed anything - Although I did dream about ice cream last night. And keep looking at chocolate in the shops but then I look away.. with pride. I don't find I'm relying on Coke Zero either.. I just have it when I feel like and have been very good with my 2 litres of water per day. I'm also taking vitamin c everyday and am starting to take a multivitamin as of tomorrow. I just wish to wake up one morning and think "Ooh I look a bit thinner.." but I just don't feel it. I feel bloated every time I eat. I feel like I'm gaining weight. Friday's weigh in just can't come any sooner. I also noticed I had no energy today - think it's just because I'm ill.

Date/Time: Wednesday 9th June 2010 - 02:40AM
Weight Lost: Still in the first week - No weigh in.
Side Effects: Had no energy today (Could be because I'm ill). Nothing else to report
Mood: So anxious for Friday's weigh in, fed up of being ill (Not to do with Atkins)

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Day Four..

This will most likely be a short entry because of the time and I'm quite tired.. I don't think I ate a great deal today, I wasn't very well (Nothing to do with induction flu.. even though I'm sure it's a myth at this point!!) but still, being ill is never fun!

I ate the lunch I had prepared for work which was tuna with small amounts of cucumber, lettuice and half a red pepper. It was surprisingly scrummy! I then had some sugar free jelly with squirty cream. I know it has a bit of sugar in it and isn't the same as having double cream but I don't think I've been even consuming 20g of carbs a day so I thought it would be OK - once again very scrummy.

And thn for dinner I had 3 fried eggs, 2 steaks and a small portion of butter fried mushrooms. Unfortunately for me though, I had fried the steak far too long and it had that horrible chewy affect to it. (Anyone who likes their steaks medium will understand!)

So because I've felt ill today I never bothered with my now usual eggs and bacon. And I think I've actually missed a meal. I have snacked on a bit of cheese today too and have had my 2 litres of water but am scared if I eat more cheese now it will lead me to nightmares! (I'm worrying so much recently!)

I make a pact to myself now to have a huge breakfast in the morning though! Still not noticing any weight loss or any major signs I might be in ketosis. I never had a headache today although my eye seems to hurt when I look up and to the right which I think is a result of the horrific headache I had last week. Every day that goes by, I have no ideaa why I feel a little bit more hopeless about this diet. I'm still feeling like I'm going to be the one girl who either loses no weight in the first week or gains weight. I mean, it's day 4, surely I should be in ketosis by now?

I wish I had more self belief. And also wish Friday would hurry up so I can check whether I'm on the right path. I've got so hungry whilst writing this I may have to go and have some cheese. And I'll try not to worry about the nightmares..

Does anyone know why they say that anyway??

Date/Time: Tuesday 8th June - 2010
Weight Lost: Haven't been weighed yet.
Side Effects: Huge lack of hunger today - Think I may have undereaten today.
Mood: Impatient/apprehensive/no self motivation or belief this will work. Come on atkins.. Prove me wrong!!

Until tomorrow.. Goodnight x
Natalie x

Monday 7 June 2010

Day Three..

It's 4.05am on a Monday morning, the sun is slowly rising and I'm sitting in bed. Haven't been to sleep yet. I know it sounds ridiculous and before anyone jumps for joy at the fact my energy levels may have sky rocketed - It's only because I woke up at a shocking 2PM today (Sunday). On Saturday night I went to see a friend, was very strong, had no wine and she ate a Dominos in front of me! On the way up to her house I did think something like this might occur so I stocked up on pastrami, cheese strings and nuts.. I have read on a website that you shouldn't have nuts in the first two weeks but I really don't see why. I saw a few that I was shocked how many carbs were actually in them but I ended up with a packet of Brazil nuts. I have been told for years by my mum that I should eat a Brazil nut per day as they will give me my entire days intake of theanine.. Of course I have no idea what this is.. It must be good for you? It's also in tea..

So after I came home at about midnight I saw the absolute state of my bedroom and started to really really clean! I never ever have that kind of energy and considering this was 16 hours after I'd started work that day, I could not believe it. Is this because of the Atkins diet? Still not sure!! All I know is I cleaned for 4 hours straight and my room now looks lovely =) I woke up late but didn't want to get myself out of a food routine of some sort so I had my eggs and bacon when I woke up. Really enjoying having that breakfast every day you know!!

I'm actually starting to forget about food too - It's day 3 and I'm not constantly thinking about food. It's very empowering knowing that I seem to be filling up on protein. I've even started speaking to my friend, she had a baby 9 months ago and is still trying to lose some weight she gained during pregnancy - she might go on the diet with me and then we'll both go to the gym together.

I had an enormous headache today. I've never felt pain like that on the side of my head. It was the right side of my head, and to be honest, it's still there a little bit. It felt like something sharp was pressing down onto my skull, into my brain and down to my right eye. It only started when I left the house around 5PM to go up to my friends house. It was quite sunny but I had shades on so I'm sure it wasn't the light in my eyes. I'd already taken 2 paracetamol for period pain in the last hour so was pressing down on my head in an effort to reduce the pain. When I went inside and sat down for a while, it faded away. But it was horrible. Truly horrible. Is this the induction flu I've been hearing so much about? I also woke up this morning and thought I'd forgotten to brush my teeth last night. My breath wasn't awful, by any standards, so if this is the ketosis breath everybody talks about, it's really really not that bad. As soon as I brushed my teeth there was no trace of it. And it's been fine all day. My headache has worried me slightly. It wasn't like my other headaches, it felt like there was something wrong.

I've spent the whole evening feeling very strange. My moods and sleeping patterns have gotten better so far on the diet. But I came across something by accident on youtube that scared me - The Kimkins diet. It's actually disturbed me, which might be clouding my judgement this evening. For anybody who has never heard of Kimkins - It's a diet that was created by a woman named Kim, who posed an online diet plan, low fat, low carb, high protein diet. It costs $59.99 to join and you're entered into a diet plan with online support. On the homepage there was a beautiful woman on the screen, and this Kim (the creator). She also showed before photos and claimed to have lost somewhere in the region of 200lbs in 11 months by a diet she had created. The website also included many other testimonials and before and after pictures. It was even featured in Woman's Own magazine with one of the Kimkins success stories being featured. The lady that was featured had shed a major amount of weight in a very very short period of time. She soon felt bad for it. She started to lose her hair, she got dizzy spells and at one point had heart palpitations so badly she thought she may be having a heart attack. When she explained all of these symptoms to Kim (Who by this point had hired her as the spokesperson for Kimkins because of her success), Kim would state these were all normal and to persist with the diet. When she looked further into the diet she actually realised she was consuming under 500 calories a day some days and was also concerned because she'd never seen Kim in person. She raised all of the issues in an email to Kim, and the response she got was that she was fired. About a week later she received a shocking email with surveillance footage of the real Kim, as many other people had complaints about the diet.

It turns out, there was no Kim. Kim was actually Heidi Diaz. A 300lb overweight woman who was using a fake identity to create this website. She did show the before photo of herself and the after photo was a picture of a Russian model, found on a mail order bride website. Many of the photos were fake, the testimonials were also fake. And she had made just over 2 million dollars scamming people. She has no medical background and clearly no experience and is quite happy to watch vulnerable, overweight and obese women lose weight far too rapidly and deteriorate their health in order to fund her own overeating it would seem.

Despite all of this, and appearances on a few television programmes whereby medical professionals and nutritionists were urging people not to under any circumstances follow this diet or follow the website. They claimed to have put up on their website an explanation from Heidi Diaz aka Kim on why she has had no success with her own diet plan and the health implications and dangers of her diet or even why she used a fake identity. This was never on the website. The lady who thought she was having a heart attack also asked for her "success" story to be taken down - this wasn't done either. This is absolutely ludicrous yet I still found people on youtube claiming to be starting the diet recently or still follow it knowing these extreme extreme dangers. I even found myself so concerned I messaged one lady urging her to come off of this diet!!

I have no idea why this has affected me so badly. I know the reason why these women were so unhealthy was because they were basically starving themselves. They were constantly reassured as long as they had fat on their body they would not starve and to ignore the signs of anorexia and starvation and told to take laxatives regularly -another sign of anorexia. But there was also a lot of talk of ketosis and it being very bad for you. I personally don't believe this - I've done a lot of research on Atkins and Atkins helped an awful lot of people, he also managed to achieve a diet whereby you weren't hungry, lost weight and reduced your cholesterol - but still, it's all freaked me out a little bit. I'm not planning on coming off the Atkins at all, I'm still at this "I'll be the one person it won't work for" stage. But that's only because I'm in the first week I think, I'm trying to rationalize it.

I keep getting concerned about the implications of eating so much meat and it's a bit scary embarking on a diet you have no personal experience of. I'm hopeful, but this Kimkins thing has just freaked me out I think. I get very upset in general when I see manipulative scams or scam artists. It shocks me how people in the world can believe in this or follow this. I have to have more faith the Atkins will work, and I have to have more faith I'll be healthier for it too.

I notice I'm becoming carb obsessed - Which I expected anyway, but am starting to think long term - When I've lost all my weight and I want to stay on my optimum carb level which means I will eat a normal amount of carbs (I think - haven't read that part of the book yet!) that I'll still opt to not eat them - I don't want to develop an eating order - I just want to effectively lose weight.

Date/Time: Monday 7th June - 04:28AM
Weight Lost: Still in the first week - No weigh in.
Side Effects: Worst headache I've ever experienced. Lack of hunger today.
Mood: Very negative, scared, still hoping this will work for me.. On the other hand noticing my energy increasing. I think I'm just scared because my body is changing!

Saturday 5 June 2010

Day Two..

So I got through the first day!! After my first ever blog post yesterday, I came home from work and made sugar free strawberry jelly... Something my mum said would take 30 minutes to set... And attempt to whip up some double cream. An hour later, my arm was killing me (Never had more respect for blokes than at that moment in time!) and my cream was finally whipping.. Got a bit carried away and it ended up looking like scrambled eggs.. It was inedible...!! The jelly also did not set until very late at night. In the meantime I had to find something to curb my hunger.

Two more cheesestrings did the trick and luckily, as my flatmate is a chef, he'd brought home some chicken fillets which I was able to just microwave... They had some sort of herbs on them, I wasn't sure if I was allowed them, just tasted like oregano though. I picked some of it off. I had mayo on the side, again, didn't do too well with the mayonnaise. My jelly had set at about 11:30PM, at which point I couldn't help myself to two servings.. They're really good for a sugar craving as they've got next to no carbs in them at all.. Sugar free of course.

My headache went away.. My mum has some theory that something in the bacon could be giving me headaches? I believe it's just the withdrawl from the sugar and carbohydrates doing it. Generally, when I get stressed I get quite headachy too..

This morning I woke up actually looking forward to breakfast and cooked it a bit better today (Will be a whizz with a frying pan soon!) Had about 4 bits of bacon and 3 fried eggs with a table spoon of cream cheese on the side. Absolutely delicious and I felt completely full after that. I had an 8-2 shift at work, I'm usually so bored I'm ravenously hungry.. I took 3 cheesestrings in just incase I got a bit peckish. To my surprise I didn't at all!! I even had to go and rescue the cheesestrings from the fridge at the end of my shift as I nearly forgot them completely and couldn't believe I'd gone from 7AM to 2PM without thinking about food at all!

I've come home and ate my 3 cheesestrings and also had another serving of the scrummy jelly.. It's a beautiful and sunny day and pefect for a bit of jelly! It's day two, I'm still having no side effects whatsoever. I don't think I'm showing any signs at all of ketosis. How long does it take to kick in? I'm not bored of my meals in anyway and I don't miss carbs. The one thing I will say I am finding difficult is having to remember I'm on the Atkins diet!

As I'm not hungry and haven't had to sacrifice a lot (For me anyway, a great meat and cheese lover) I forget I'm on a diet. For example, last night my friend asked me if I'd like to go to her house and have some wine with her on Saturday night.. I sort of half agreed to it and then realised I was on the Atkins diet. She then said "Oh take a day off" and I had to explain to yet another person that this is not how the Atkins works (Which is becoming slightly tedious in itself!!)

Also, today when I walked into work I saw a box of Thorntons Chocolates on the table... I adore the champagne truffles, I salivate just thinking about them.. And almost helped myself to one! Once I realised what I was doing, I then attempted to lift one of the layers up to see what the carb content of a champagne truffle was!! I stopped myself midway through the madness - It's really not worth it!! And my colleague today offered me some appletiser - I would have loved a glass! But again, too many carbs! I am sticking to my Coke Zero, as it's no carbs, and Coke Zero and water throughout the day seems to satisfy me.

I am quite hungry now, I may go polish off the rest of the chicken. I am feeling a little bit hopeless at the moment. I feel so full and yet keep getting ravenously hungry at the thought of more meat (!!!) I feel like I'll be the one person this doesm't work for.. Sometimes I think the main problem with people on diets isn't the diets themselves, it's the confidence and motivation you have in yourself. I mean, look at me - It's day two and already I'm thinking this won't work for me - Which logically is ludacris because I've probably not given my body enough time to start burning fat yet. I'm hoping ketosis might happen soon.. Thinking of looking up what to expect in the first week online.

Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated.. Or anyone's personal experiences.. :)

Date/Time: Saturday 5th June 2010 - 14:53
Weight Lost: Haven't been weighed yet.
Side Effects: None.. Possibly that I'm fearful I'm eating so much, feeling so full and then the thought of more meat makes me ravenously hungry again. Also peeing quite a bit. (Does that count?)
Mood: Still impatient for weight loss results/Losing faith ALREADY/Fearful it won't work :(

Until tomorrow low carbers... I'm off to stuff my face with chicken.

x Natalie
